Andy was climbing on the playground and right after I took this picture, a child came up and climbed over Ellis and stepped on Andy’s hand and sat on top of his head! Andy was screaming and I said, ‘Hey! You can’t sit on him! He’s Official be a unicornasaurus rex in a world of cuntasauruses shirt!’ I picked up Andy, crying with tears rolling down his face and Ellis started crying because Andy was. I guessed this kid was about 5 years old from the way he talked with other kids on the playground, his height, and the fact that Andy didn’t even come up to his waist.
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I picked up both boys and went over to a baby slide on the opposite side of the park where we were alone, and Andy could go down the slide by himself. No sooner had Andy gotten to the bottom of the slide and stood up on the ground, that the same kid came rushing down the slide towards him, and as he stood up, he kicked Andy in the face! It hit Andy so hard he fell straight Broadway easily distracted by dogs and musicals shirt right to the back of his head. I took 2 giant steps toward them and yelled, ‘Hey! What the HELL ARE YOU DOING?!’
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Andy was screaming with a very swollen red eye and the kid looked at me and stuck out his tongue and ran off. I almost turned into Medusa. I looked around and saw him run off towards his mom, whom I had noticed had been on her Post Malone you’re a sunflower shirt for almost the entire hour we were there, not looking up once. “I yelled at someone else’s kid today. I took the babes to the park instead of doing the 15 loads of laundry I needed to do. They never stray more than 4 feet from my side, and with Ellis not even walking, I’m always close by to grab the sticks and dirt he always puts in his mouth.
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I am not sure why – I just LGBT Snoopy dare to be different kiss my ass shirt up the kids and left. I was so angry and knew I would have made a scene. I am very sympathetic and try not to judge a child too quickly because I know firsthand from working with children that not all are developmentally age-appropriate, and some are cognitively unable to control their emotions or actions. But, I will not excuse a mother who does not pay attention or can’t look up from her phone to notice that her child is being a bully.
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“It’s crazy how one single event, one single day, one single hour of your life can change your entire world. How it can make you question your entire being, faith, happiness. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my experience, it’s that every moment is precious. And ALWAYS trust your gut. That moment you find out you’re pregnant, you’re already a mom. Your heart fills with hope, with unconditional love. You start talking about baby names. You envision what they’ll be like as a little toddler, what their voice will sound If you hurt my dog your death look like an accident shirt, if the baby will look like mom or dad. Every heart that’s involved grows so much bigger.
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I already had two healthy, wild, spirited kiddos. I am grateful to spend every minute of every day with. Jaylee will be 5 this summer and Sawyer will be Freddie Mercury Bohemian Rhapsody shirt. Watching these two miracles grow and play together is a rollercoaster of screams, tears, laughter, and slobbery kisses – but my husband, Jed, and I felt like our hands were full. So, we decided we were done having babies, although we didn’t take this too seriously.
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Right around New Year of 2019, I was pregnant with baby number 3. My family’s hearts immediately grew with the image in our heads of having another addition to the family. Jaylee kept repeating, ‘I hope I get a baby sister!’ Every Champion New England Patriots Freddie Mercury 87 Championships shirt at our Costco shopping trip, she ran around and told everyone, ‘Mommy has a baby in her belly.’ Jed would come over to me, lift my shirt up, press his face into my belly, and start talking to our baby. We were all already deeply in love with this baby.
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