After 46 days God answered my prayers and my little girls were finally home with me. The battle continued until the judge closed our case early. I have learned so many life lessons from my short life. At 28, I experienced assault of both my kids and myself, heartbreak, divorce, and non-stop let downs from certain family members. Overall, these hardships are a blessing. I realized that in life you have a choice, to either sit down and let life keep kicking you, or pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Yes life is HARD, yes life isn’t the way you have always envisioned or planned. Being a single mom has saved me in more ways than one. It has made me who I am and who to become.
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Dating is out of the question, it is now about my self as well as my girls. It is about healing and recovery. I want to show them the world. I want them to understand that no one will ever come before them. That I will always have their back and be their number one supporter. Being a single mom is hands down the hardest job there is. There is no one to rely on, or fall back on. It’s just you 24/7. You are there when they are sick in the middle of the night, or you have to leave work and rush to get them from school. You are there to tell them they are beautiful and strong.
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When the time comes where they ask about their father, you tell them nothing is or will ever be their fault. Their father made a choice and one day when he decides to talk to them he will reach out. You tell them when he does reach out, they need to give him a chance and to hear him out. You teach them to be kind and to love everyone. When you have two beautiful girls that have gone through hell and back you make sure they know it is not their fault. Don’t get me wrong, I am far from a perfect mother. I get irritated and I lose my temper, but I always apologize and own up to my mistakes. Just because I am the adult, it does not mean I am always right and know best. A word of advice for all single parents out there, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! There is nothing you cant do! Yes, you will have your tough days or will feel like a failure, and you will question all your choices. It does not mean you’re wrong. You’re human, trying to be both a mom and dad and I commend you. You have the toughest job and you are getting through it every day. Congratulations to you for making it another day! Kids will forgive. They won’t forget easily but they will forgive. My 8-year-old wrote in her journal – ‘God, I forgive my Dads for everything they have done to me.’ Your kids will always appreciate you no matter what you may think.”
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