We were married for almost a year. Unfortunately, at one party, drinking was involved. I noticed he was talking to another woman and he might not have realized but was flirting with her. I made a comment and he wasn’t Hot Sunflower whisper words of wisdom let it be peace sign shirt. I said something. So I decided to go inside and use the bathroom. As I was waiting he came in and asked what that was about. So I said you were flirting and he lost it! Called me all sorts of names and cursed me out. I grabbed my bag and walked out. This caused other people to try and break up the fight. This is when I learned this all really isn’t okay and I deserved better. This was the start of me planning my escape.
Don’t be a salty heifer shirt

A week after this we celebrated our first wedding anniversary, we spent two nights in New York City the next month and saw Billy Joel. Shortly after that, the fights worsened. The week I left him I reached out to my boss and told her everything that was going on. I cried all week, every day all day. I could barely work. I cried Don’t be a salty heifer shirt I knew it was time to leave and I was scared and trying to figure out how to do it. It was Sept 27, 2018. I asked my mom if she could keep Emma that night. My husband was on his way home at 8:30/9:00 at night. He came home, I went into bed with him and he was very cold and we were arguing.
Sunflower Baby elephant cute shirt

I started to cry and got up and went into Emma’s room and laid in her bed. That’s when something came over me and the tears stopped. I think it was my dad (he died 9 years ago due to cancer) who gave me the push and helped me get up on my feet. I walked into my bedroom, put my rings on, grabbed the extra set of keys to my car and told my Sunflower Baby elephant cute shirt I was done and I was going home to my mom and telling her the truth about everything. He jumped out of bed and came running after me. He tried to keep me from leaving. I had my phone in my hands and keys and was trying to go. As we argued in the kitchen, he cornered me as I was trying to call my mom.
Elephant People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me Shirt

He grabbed my phone and threw me into the kitchen counter. I somehow managed to run towards the living room to grab the house phone and dial 911. He proceeded to dial 911 as well and tried to call my mom to blame me. The police came and the last time I spoke to my husband was that night. He told me he would give me all the money in our savings Elephant People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me Shirt if I told the cops to leave. I didn’t do that. The officer came and spoke to me and I filed harassment charges the following day and got an order of protection at family court. After I did all this I was able to breathe a little better. I felt lighter as if a weight has been lifted.
Stitch and Skeleton shirt

My mom took care of my daughter and my life has completely changed for the better. I filed for divorce and met with my amazing attorney which gave me the push I needed to do what I always wanted to do – be a lawyer Stitch and Skeleton shirt. I signed up for school and am going part-time as a law student. I started working out again and became a health and fitness coach. I love doing it! I’m helping other women and men get in the best shape of their life and also mentally be happy!! Working out is my therapy. I also bought myself a brand new car.
Freddie Mercury in style Schroeder play piano peanuts cats shirt

I work full time on top of it, as well as taking care of my 10-year-old daughter. I never thought I was going to be able to leave, and always thought I will stay in this abusive marriage and pray I would stay alive. But here I am almost 6 months later and I’ve never been happier! I’m doing things I’ve wanted to do and was held back Freddie Mercury in style Schroeder play piano peanuts cats shirt. I’m slowly getting back with family members while helping others as well as myself. My life couldn’t be better right now! I’m so thankful for where I am now. I hope to help others see that you can come back stronger from tough circumstances.”
And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt

“Growing up, I had a normal childhood. To onlookers, I was a happy kid. I had good grades. I got along with my peers. In reality, I hated myself. I’ve struggled with my self-worth for as long as I can remember. Because of my depression, my weight shot up rapidly. Kids ended up making fun of me for my size and then I ate more to ease my And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt. It was a vicious cycle I didn’t know how to break. I ended up dropping out of high school. I tried to commit suicide not once, but three times. I even ended up in a psychiatric unit for a while. I thought I had hit rock bottom.
I love my Marine shoe to the moon and back shirt

I received a GED and went on to enroll in college. It was then that I started dating T. He was charismatic and funny. But most importantly, he made me feel beautiful. He had me hooked. We got married about a year after we met. That’s when the abuse started. It began as calling me names and telling me nobody would love me because of how I I love my Marine shoe to the moon and back shirt. If I tried to leave, he’d take my keys, phone, shoes, and block the door. He made me question myself constantly. Then came the physical abuse. I felt like he had a hold on me that I couldn’t escape. I thought I had really hit rock bottom.
Mama Bear Paw shirt

I had gastric bypass surgery in 2005. My weight melted off. I loved to exercise. I got down to 200lbs. I felt like a new person. I ended up having surgery for the excess skin on my stomach in 2006. Although I felt good physically, I still struggled with feelings of self-hate. I had the mentality of someone much larger. I couldn’t grasp being closer to a healthy weight. I thought getting a job would help some of my depression. I went to night classes for my Mama Bear Paw shirt, but couldn’t even fit into the desks. That’s when I decided my weight needed to be tackled first. I was upwards of 450lbs at my heaviest. I walked – not much, but every step counted. I ate less. I worked hard to lose 50lbs while researching surgery options. I knew I needed a little help if I ever wanted to get to where I wanted.
Harry Potter Otter shirt

When you’re abused, it’s difficult to leave. During the Harry Potter Otter shirttimes, we had 3 kids. I had 3 different restraining orders. I had him arrested for assault. I filed for divorce. I tried hard to leave. I was told by the people at the women’s shelter that it takes an average of 7 attempts to leave an abuser before it stuck. I always thought I’d be different. I was always wrong. My weight shot back up to around 350lbs. I was eating my feelings again. I felt like I had no control.
Snoopy Charlie and friends I think to myself what a wonderful world shirt

Fast forward to our 5th year of marriage. We had a rough time when he locked me in the basement for a few days. He had been off his bipolar medications for two weeks. I always had to walk on egg shells, but when he refused his treatment, life was even worse. His anger ran together those days, and the smallest thing would trigger a Snoopy Charlie and friends I think to myself what a wonderful world shirt. I had asked him to help with baths for our kids that night. He turned off the power in the house, so I went down to the basement to turn it back on – and he left me there for days. I was hungry, and had nothing to eat. There was a sink down there that I used to drink water. I was so done dealing with things. I sat and hoped he was taking care of our children upstairs. I kept wondering how I would get out. He must have decided the kids were too much to handle on his own, and allowed me to come up to care for them. I tried my best to steer clear and not rock the boat.
My people skills are rusty vintage shirt

It took a while to deal with the trauma I dealt with emotionally. I got myself into therapy. I spent a lot of time with my kids. I was actually happy at my job in surgery. I always loved what I did, but I had so much stress that it My people skills are rusty vintage shirt my work. I wanted to do even better for my kids. I enrolled in college for another degree. I started watching what I ate and exercising regularly. I found hobbies that brought me so much happiness. Then, by some chance, he took his own life. I sat in ICU while he was declared brain dead and thought about everything that happened. I felt sadness, anger, shock. The biggest emotion I felt was relief. I no longer had to fight to be respected. I felt free.
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