A couple of months into the transition into my new stay-at-home dad role I really felt like our journey could help someone. I created my blog and began to write. I wrote about my past lessons of life and what what we had learned so far in parenthood. I write about my insecurities and learning how to embrace who I am. Being a family with two dads makes it obvious whenever you walk into places. People often stare. Most of the time it is innocent and purely out of curiosity. For many around here, especially living in the south, people aren’t exposed to same-sex families often. When they finally see one they tend to watch very closely. For me it’s like we are unicorns and we have finally been spotted for the first time. I constantly tell myself this is a teaching moment for them. They probably have never seen a family like ours before and they are curious.
Autism I’m his voice he is my heart shirt

I suppose if we need to be the ones to help teach them then so be it. Recently we went out to eat and there was a family that sat beside us. They were obviously disgusted. I admit, that hurt. Sometimes people ask ignorant questions like ‘who is the mom?’ Or ‘how will you talk to her about girl problems?’ and that is much easier to shrug off. We try so hard to be good parents. God knows I am so much of a better father than my own. To have someone look over with such hatred validates the reasons I started my blog. For 10 years I was the general manager of a popular restaurant in the French Quarter. About a year and a half after we adopted our first daughter our second daughter was born. It was then I left the restaurant and became a stay at home dad. Douglas and I both felt strongly about one of us being home with the girls. I knew this was my calling.
Dope soul shirt

The silence is what hurts me. I am an incredibly intuitive and sensitive person. I know when someone has iced me or doesn’t want me in their lives. The most hurtful situations has come from my own family. Like I said earlier, we live in the south and people down here can be religious and hypocritical. My ‘life choices’ interfere with their messed up view of society and because of that they are absolutely absent in my life. At first it hurt but now I am strong enough to know I have too many people that love me and my family to worry about someone who doesn’t. I am so lucky to have a mother who loves us unconditionally and stands up for us regularly. She is my best friend and I will always admire her strength.
Eye of the tiger vintage shirt

We love our children just as any other straight family does. Just like them, we would do anything on earth for our babies. We do that every single day regardless if we are two dads. We are that family who sits around the dinner table and talks about our day. We are the ones who walk the dog and ride our scooters down the sidewalk. We are the neighbors who bake you cookies or pies. We are the ones who go to Costco and look down and realize we put two different shoes on our baby. But most importantly we are the family that can laugh at ourselves.
Autism In a world full of roses be a sunflower shirt

It is my mission to broaden the one sided view of the stereotypical American family. We too are living the American dream. Douglas and I have been together 13 years. We live in an incredibly divisive time and right now visibility is critical to help normalize same-sex families. We are the new normal, loving family that teaches our children acceptance of all walks of life and the importance of being kind to one another. Our place in this world is earned, not owed. This journey is beautiful. I am beyond grateful to the universe for allowing me to find my purpose in life. The gratitude I get daily from my girls easily allows me to overlook the stares from onlookers and the occasional ignorant bigot. Who knows? Maybe the hatred they spew comes from a place in their heart that longs to find the kind of love that radiates from each of us.
Flower Old hippies don’t die they just fade into crazy grandparents shirt

It is so important to embrace each other for all we are, all we bring and all we stand for. Let us all lead by example- while showing our children who their parents are by being respectful and tolerant of everyone. Even if you do not agree with them, you can always be respectful. We have already started teaching our oldest to be kind. At three-years-old that is a doozy. But we have found like most things it is about persistence and consistency that really wins the race. As their minds expand we will approach deeper concepts like understanding how all people are different. And being different is another word for beautiful.
I’m not lazy I just rolled a low initiative shirt

“Elizabeth is my soulmate. I knew it the first time our eyes met. Well, I didn’t know it then, but looking back, it’s the only explanation for the feeling I got when I looked at her. My heart raced, my mind became dizzy, and there was an excitement surging from somewhere deep inside my soul that would remain there every time I saw her. It felt like the whirlwind of all the moments of happiness and joy that we would come to share, had come racing back to the instant it all began. The exhilaration billowing from experiencing all those moments at once, a brief flash that appears and then is gone. All that’s left is the subtle rush that the rest of your life just passed before your eyes, leaving your heart beating in a new cadence. You just met your soulmate for the first time. It was a signal I couldn’t miss.
Pivot shut up shirt

The start of our relationship was very organic and authentic. It started slow and fun. We flirted and alluded and built attraction for each other. The more we got to know one another, the more we saw that we were cut from the same fabric. We had the same sense of humor, got excited by the same things, had the same guilty pleasures. We stood for having good character and being good people. Who we were and how we carried ourselves with honor and respect towards each other and the world around us were more important than the things we owned or titles we received. We were building a world for us to be happy in.
Rooster warning I have a crazy mom and I’m not afraid to use her shirt

As our relationship grew, so did our bond, our love for each other. It tethered us together. It was a connection that was deeper and more real than anything I had ever felt with anyone. A mysterious comfort and knowing between two souls, that you humbly trusted and wore with quiet gratitude, a secret to tell but kept to ourselves. We never argued, always communicated, and we constantly made sure the other person was being heard and validated. Every day we fell more in love than the day before. It was the kind of love you read about in books or see in movies.
WTF wine tasting friends shirt

Elizabeth was stunningly beautiful, made more beautiful by the fact she had no ego. She put everyone else first. She was down to earth and made everyone feel accepted and important. She would laugh with you and never made you feel less than who you felt to be, like you were the only person in a crowded room. She was musically talented, a singer and worship leader. I never heard her ever sing out of tune. Never. She was a proud and independent woman, patient and strong. She was a preschool teacher, watching carefully over 12 two-year-olds. At family gatherings, she would be on the floor playing card games or putting puzzles together with my nieces and nephews. She was not just someone I respected but someone who inspired me to be a better man, and in turn, inspired us to be better towards each other and to love each other unconditionally.
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