Tim opened the door and in that moment, my soul found its home. I never believed in love at first sight. But I knew in an instant this would be the man I would marry. I wasn’t even trying to find him, yet there he stood. It was one of the most unbelievable moments. My future husband was standing right in front of me. I try to relive that moment over and over in my head because I never want to forget January 21, 2012.
I put my baby on my hip shirt

The night went off without a hitch. From that moment forward we were completely inseparable. If we spent nights alone it was very few and far between for the next few weeks. One morning, sometime towards the end of February, we went to the store to get the morning after pill. While we stood in line at the pharmacy, pregnancy tests a little off to the right caught my eye. Something kept forcing me to look at them. The longer we stood there, the louder this voice in my head screamed to buy one. Finally, I told Tim, ‘let’s buy a pregnancy test instead. Then we can come back for the morning after pill if it’s negative.’
Pikachu fusion Totoro became Totochu or Pikaro shirt

He must have thought I was crazy! I even thought I was crazy. A pregnancy test? Why? I was on the depo birth control shot that you get every three months. Did I miss a shot? Crap, when was the last time I even had the shot? There’s no way. I’m pretty sure I had one right before I moved. Right? He must have thought I was crazy! I even thought I was crazy. A pregnancy test? Why? I was on the depo birth control shot that you get every three months. Did I miss a shot? Crap, when was the last time I even had the shot? There’s no way. I’m pretty sure I had one right before I moved. Right?
Sorry were late I was being a little shit shirt

But there I was, peeing on a stick in my best friend Rachelle’s apartment with her in the bathroom with me while Tim sat on the couch in the living room. It turned positive pretty quickly. Rachelle just started bawling and the only thing I could do was laugh. Her reaction was definitely more appropriate at the time, but I took the comedic ‘this isn’t really happening’ route. My younger 18-year-old sister had JUST announced she was pregnant. My parents were going to DIE that I was too. And I mean…DIE! Even the thought of having to tell them terrified me to my core.
I’m not a Mama bear I’m more of a Mama Hours like I’m pretty chill but I’ll kick you in the face if you mess with my kids shirt

I walked out into the living room and handed Tim the test. I don’t remember much of his reaction other than sitting there contemplating what we do next. After a little while, the three of us decided we needed to see if it was actually real. We googled ‘free ultrasounds’ in the area and landed on Planned Parenthood. I wanted to go somewhere that I didn’t have to use my health insurance since my dad was the subscriber and would surely see that bill with pregnancy written all over it. I immediately called and got into their schedule for a few days out.
Dory Fish I’m never drinking again oh look Bear shirt

I can’t even remember who tagged along for this appointment, but I do remember getting an ultrasound and then sitting in a room with people explaining my options to me. Abortion, adoption, keeping the baby. They explained to me I was 10 weeks along. The math in my head didn’t add up. I didn’t even know Tim 10 weeks ago! It took a lot of explaining to both of us that mathematically, this baby was his. I mean, I knew it was his. But when you don’t understand how pregnancy weeks work, it’s very easy to assume I could be lying. Poor Tim! How confusing all of that was for him.
Vegeta I Offended You What Does It Feel Like To Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You shirt

It definitely made sense, though. I had been so sick and had constantly been feeling so nauseous. Looking back, I was basically a big ole idiot for not assuming I was pregnant sooner. But I guess it just goes to show how far naïve-ness can take someone. After a few days of beating all options to death, we knew we wanted to keep it. We were definitely not in the best place in life to bring a baby into this world, but we fought hard to figure the logistics out.
Chiefin Marijuana smoke weed Indian shirt

My dad flew out for a visit and I told him the news in his hotel room. It was awkward, but now it’s one of my favorite memories. He took the, ‘Tim does realize he’s responsible for this baby for 18 years right?,’ road. He never acted upset or angry. But he definitely wanted it known that Tim was still going to be responsible, regardless of how our relationship worked out. I called my mom the next day and she was more shocked than anything. My 18-year-old sister was going to have a baby just a few weeks before I was. She definitely didn’t think she’d be a grandma at 45 to two kids so quickly.
Unicorn baking makes me happy humans make my head hurt shirt

Neither of us ever thought we’d have six kids by the time we were 28 and 30, but here we are! It’s exactly what we never knew we wanted or needed. Being married to Tim has been one of the easiest things I’ve had to work at. The amount of mutual respect has never gone unnoticed and our marriage has always stayed so strong and true throughout the ups and downs.Stories like ours typically don’t end like ours does, and it’s never been lost on us how grateful and thankful we are to have found each other the way we did. I believe we would have stayed together even if we didn’t have our first daughter so quickly. But by having her, she quickly forced us to get our life together… together.”
Harry Potter sloth Harry Slother shirt

We eloped to Kauai while we were freshly pregnant with our second. We welcomed twins shortly after that. Then we adopted my brother when he was 2-years-old. We somehow survived having five kids under 3 years old, which I think has totally been blocked from both of our memory. Our ‘we will never have any more kids, ever again’ comments have been laid to rest since getting pregnant with our sixth, whom we will welcome in a few weeks.
Dinosaurs Sunflower you are my sunshine shirt

My son was a perfectionist and was very competitive, not only with others but with himself too. He was selected to play District Hockey in primary school, and went on to become a cyclist who cycled with the Europcar team. He played first team water polo and received numerous awards throughout his sporting career. He also took to playing drums like a fish in water and loved it. He loved life, and made the most of every moment. He had many friends, and was not one to be influenced by peer pressure. He stood up in front of the entire school and recited, word for word, spoken word poetry called ‘When I Became a Young Man’ from a famous Christian poet whom he took a lot of inspiration from. Jordan had an intimate relationship with God, which had developed at a very young age. As a young boy, I would often hear him talking out loud to himself, and when I asked who he was talking to, he would say ‘I am praying to the Lord.’
Sorry we’re late I was being a little shit shirt

Jordan’s life had been spared on 3 different occasions in his life. The first was when he was 7 years old, and was diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery syndrome. The second time was when he was knocked off of his bicycle by a car, and the third time was when he was involved in a motor bike accident, at the age of 16. The bike was a total write off, and he barely had a scratch on him. I was convinced the angels caught him that day.
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