We scored our best find: a sale on a pair of tennis shoes. They were branded, boxed, and displayed for my mother’s budget. She looked up at the salesman and said, ‘I’ll take six.’ He obliged. As my mom rambled through her purse, wallet, and thoughts, the salesman took that time to establish a stronger connection with me. “Christmas was an exciting time for my large religious family. I was the youngest of the kids, number six of six, 13-years-old. My mom asked me to go along with her to help wrap up her final details on gifts for my siblings. The ride to the nearest mall was 30 minutes away from our small Alabama town. So, off we went to be in the crowds, navigate holiday traffic, and bargain shop.
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He began by saying, ‘I bet all girls at school have a crush on you.’ While I reminded him of himself as a young boy, he was certain I was more popular. Chuck was 36-years-old and had thinning sandy blonde hair. He wore pressed and pleated slacks and a tightly knotted tie, securing his starched dress shirt. He entered my life by providing compliments and teasing my insecurity.
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I can only assume I was an easy target. Anyone connected to me knew there was trouble at home, and that I was a kid struggling through a lot of uphill battles, looking, searching for a safe spot to be known. Chuck continued with what felt like a sacred pursuit of getting to know me more. When he asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my mom chimed in about how great I was at sales. That was his siren. That was his bridge. That was his free ticket. He, 36- years-old, paying his own bills, and having mastered life, was opening himself up and offering all of that freedom to poor, 13-year- old, abused Nate who wanted security from anywhere he could find it.
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We wrapped up our purchase and Chuck ripped extra paper from the receipt feed. He tore the slip and wrote his phone number down as well as his name. My mom was distracted when he passed the information to me and said, ‘I would love to help you figure out what you want to do when you grow up.’ Now there is this stranger who has shown up, and in a moments notice, given me the attention I had tried for years to get from my dad. He was attentive, kind, handsome, and very much in tune with me being different. He suggested it made me special.
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The first time Chuck came to get me, I walked out of my front door on a school night and hopped into his car. He drove down a side road near my home asking if I knew where I wanted to go. I sat blank, not knowing what you are supposed to do when you are spending time with an adult stranger. Through more conversation Chuck probed, and planted. He persuaded and grabbed as much as he could from me. In the swift blink of an eye, my 13-year-old self was sitting on the side of his car, being taught what oral sex was.
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I had heard about being gay early on. Within the walls of my church it was openly discussed as the worst case scenario for anyone. I thought what was happening was gay. I did not yet understand that pedophilia is about power, not sex. In that first encounter, I was changed. The soul that already held previous sexual abuse from a female neighbor, and mounds of physical and emotional abuse, was now as heavy as it had ever been.
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The thing about sexual abuse is that it lies so close to the most sacred parts of us that are meant to be cherished and handled with the most tender care. Once the violation happens, the abuse creates a road map full of twists and turns. It makes it feel impossible to ever return to anything feeling sacred. The abuse went on for two years. Chuck had mastered his story lines about not wanting to have these encounters, but that it seemed I was enjoying them. He put his abuse on me because I had a physical response to it. I believed him. I believed I was a horrific person and my response to him meant I was gay.
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He crafted solutions to every inch of insecurity, and in each scenario the answer was always… him. Right when I agreed, he removed my pants, my dignity, and my identity. My hope to feel whole. When I was 18-years-old, I came to a breaking point where my brain and body began to work in different directions. I had spent the last few years burying the idea that I caused this man to do things he really did not want to do. I responded with pleasure toward what he did. I honestly believed I forced myself on him. All the work a perpetrator does, long before you come in contact, is craftily skilled to always make you believe you set it all up.
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I spent years in therapy, and while I discussed many of the details, it was not until 13 years of therapy, that I was able to call the abuse, abuse. I had some deep convictions that because there was pleasure involved, I was to be held accountable. But now I see it. I really see it. I see all of the anxiety I have had from loud noises, fights, tension, or toxic situations, was a direct result of every encounter with Chuck. I see my inability to be affectionate with others or allow close connections is a result of the violations he did to me. At a time where I needed appropriate touch, he tortured that desire with evil.
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I see all the years I missed by believing this was my fault. I look back and would give anything to see myself then, in person. I wonder if I would be able to pick up on the terrible self-esteem issues. Would I know, if I saw a kid just like me, he was confused about his sexuality? Would I be aware and engaged enough to sense he was being abused at home by his father? Would I get the sense he would give anything for that abuse to stop, and simply be seen and known?
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