Then the county ordered a home trial visit. This meant baby went home with mom full time, but the county was still closely watching. We knew the day was quickly approaching when baby was going home. They told us that more than likely we would get a call, and on that same day, baby would be picked up. And that’s just how it happened. I received a call on an early July morning that baby would be picked up at 2 p.m. that day. I called my husband and packed his things. My husband quickly came home from work, and we spent the last couple hours holding, kissing and loving on him. We didn’t know if we’d ever see him again. Our job was done. It was so heartbreaking. But we knew in having become so attached to him, we had given him the best of us in order for him to have the best start in life. And we found some peace in that. I’ve never seen a grown man cry as hard as my husband did that day.
Freddie Mercury Krueger mama just killed a man put my glove against his head cut him into pieces now he’s dead shirt

Not even two weeks later birth mom called me saying she needed help with baby. And so began the next 5 months of us being on-call for mom when mom got overwhelmed with life. One time she called me at about 5:30 a.m., baby was screaming bloody murder in the background, and she said, ‘Rach I need you to come pick him up.’ It was tough, the county was done with us. I had no contact with social workers to let them know mom was struggling and we were taking baby into our home every other weekend, sometimes every weekend. That I was picking up baby when he was sick, bringing him to the doctor, picking him up from daycare when daycare couldn’t reach mom. She had put me down as emergency contact and I was SO ok with that, because I couldn’t let that baby be neglected. Then shortly after Christmas in 2016, I knew mom had left her safe housing with baby and was living with a ‘friend.’ It wasn’t long after that that things fell completely apart for mom and the county stepped in and placed baby with us again.
Easily distracted by dogs and books shirt

He was back with us full time and we were so thankful he was safe. For the next 10 months we were back to the old routine of visits and unknowns. Then she became pregnant. And her case was coming to a close with her little boy who was in our care. The county told her if she involuntarily lost custody of the child in our care, she would also lose custody of her unborn baby. But if she voluntarily terminated, there was a chance she could parent unborn baby. So at the end of November 2017, baby was nearly 2 years old now, and she was two months away from giving birth to another baby, she signed a consent to adopt with us and voluntarily terminated her rights with the sweet little boy we had cared for for nearly 2 years. It wasn’t a joyful and fairytale ending like I dreamed adoption would be. It was born out of heartache, bad choices, addiction and mental health issues. But we were so incredibly thankful that she chose us to raise her child.
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