“My name is Nila Morton. I am 20 year old young lady that has a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy called Ullrich. I’m the only one in South Carolina to have it and at the time of my diagnosis I was number #96 in the world to have it. My disease affects the movement of my muscles so I have to use a wheelchair but I can walk with assistance using as my walker or someone helping me. It also affects the respiratory muscles causing me to have low lung function. I have to use a BiPAP at night to help my lungs so I can wake up to a beautiful tomorrow.
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I don’t allow my disability to define me. I’m known to be a young lady who is brave, strong, and an inspiration. I accomplished so much in life such as being the first young lady with a disability to complete in the Miss SC Teen USA pageant. I also speak at different events to spread knowledge about people with disabilities and help give us the respect we need. I am a role model and am currently going to college to pursue my education in Psychology so I can help more people with disabilities. I want them to be able to not stop them from living life. The journey wasn’t easy because I went through sickness, bullying, and even low self-esteem to get to right where I am now.
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When I was baby I was considered normal but I was born with dislocated hips. After being in a brace for two months I became just a regular baby who cried all day and night. It wasn’t until I was five years old when I started to slow down and my mom noticed an issue. She took me to my doctor but all they told her was, ‘It’s just muscle weakness and that’s it,’ but she knew it was more than that. As each year passed I would become weaker. I went from wearing braces on my feet to a walker, a manual wheelchair, and finally to a power wheelchair.
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