“Katie and I are just your average lesbian family. Ha! That is a sentence you don’t often hear. Katie and I are two girls who fell in love, got married, and embarked on the journey to have children. Sounds pretty typical of any couple who falls in love. However, the path to having kids was nothing like what we imagined. Not everyone agrees with our ‘lifestyle’ but there are many who do. We paint a pretty good picture of our lives on social media but we don’t often share all the terrible things we’ve encountered being gay and raising a family.
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Katie and I always say we are so glad we were born in the world today because imagine how much harder it would have been to be together and raise a family many years ago. The world has made a lot of progress for the LGBTQ community but it still has a lot of progress that needs to be made. Raising kids is already hard but raising kids as two moms comes with more difficult tasks we didn’t imagine. I know we will continue to encounter unwanted experiences because we are gay but for now, this is what we have experienced and learned:
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Before having kids, Katie and I had our entire plan laid out for how we would create our children. We knew we wanted to do Reciprocal IVF. Katie wanted to carry my egg, fertilized by a donor sperm. Together, we would both play a part in creating our children. I would at the beginning by using my egg and then Katie would grow our little embryo into our baby. We were both happy with this plan until others decided to share their opinions. Katie was told she would only be a surrogate for me and would never have a connection to a baby that wasn’t actually hers.
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