He asked me on a date a few days after texting, and when I got home, he asked for a second one. Of course, I said yes. We dated that summer but had a falling out. Just like any other relationship, you have your ups and downs. We started talking again a few weeks afterward, and maintained a friendship – then, we grew to love each other. He learned more about my breathing machine, wheelchair, trach, and how to take care of me if I needed it.
Autism I’m his voice he is my heart shirt

While we were still dating, he decided we needed a real vacation where I needed to experience my first flight ever. I said, ‘deal!’ We planned a trip to California and did what any other tourists would do. Rent a car (which was handicap accessible), flew into LAX, started from Los Angeles, and visited the Santa Monica Pier and Malibu, and drove down to San Diego. On our last day we even went to Disneyland! I wasn’t scared at all for this trip, it was the most exciting time of my life. Not only because it was the first trip ever without my family, whom I was always with, or first time flying ever, but I loved it so much it was with him, and in California! Who doesn’t get excited for California, right!? He also made me a go on my first roller coaster! As you see, he changed my life completely.
Dope soul shirt

“I was working at a night club on Bourbon Street and stepped into the back. He sat at a desk filling out a new hire work form. At that moment it was like time stopped. It was like the beating of the bass from the music on the dance floor silenced and all I could hear was my own heartbeat. I still remember what the room smelled like, I even remember what we were wearing. I couldn’t look away as if I was frozen. I knew instantly this was the very moment I had prayed for. This was him. People often ask me if it was love at first sight. My answer to them is always ‘absolutely.’
Eye of the tiger vintage shirt

It was about a year after Katrina and New Orleans was starting to get put back together again. I was still pretty shaken by the experience so to have him in my life now was comforting. My only one unique rose. Although we had found each other we still had a lot of growing to do. Our twenties were wild to say the least. New Orleans doesn’t sleep. The bars never close. So, spending so many nights in the club meant we also saw so many sunrises. Once the sun came up we would dart out of the bar and cover ourselves like an Anne Rice character from ‘Interview with the Vampire.’ We would run to his old Volvo wagon and quickly drive out of the French Quarter. He was so spontaneous and I loved that. Some mornings we’d walk to Audubon Park and climb trees. My favorite mornings were spent on the levee of the Mississippi river flying kites.
Autism In a world full of roses be a sunflower shirt

Afterwards he’d take me down to the railroad tracks by the river bend and smash coins under the train wheels. After the train would pass he would pull out ‘The Little Prince’, one of his personal favorite books. Douglas read, ‘There may be millions of roses in the world, but you’re my only one, unique rose.’ As he continued, all I could do was melt into the grass. As he looked down reading I couldn’t help but cry a little. I knew even more in this moment this was the boy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
Flower Old hippies don’t die they just fade into crazy grandparents shirt

Once we cleaned up our act there was no stopping us. It was like something ignited in us and we had a burning desire to make something happen for ourselves. This became more evident by the day. Douglas decided he wanted to pursue a career that would allow him to help people who have a history of substance abuse. At first all of the local universities rejected his application. The community college accepted him but pressured him to enroll in an air-conditioner repair program saying medical school was too lofty of a goal for someone like him. He pushed forward anyway and ended up getting a full scholarship to Loyola University. He went to college and also started a fundraiser to bring scientific instruments to local classrooms across New Orleans by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. After Loyola he graduated from LSU New Orleans School of Medicine.
I’m not lazy I just rolled a low initiative shirt

He is now a doctor of medicine in a psychiatry residency program which will allow him to practice a mind-and-body approach for substance abuse. We had no idea what 2015 would bring. In December of 2014 he asked me to marry him. We had talked about what we hoped to accomplish in our lives but we had no idea what 2015 was going to bring. In April of that year we became first time homeowners. Then in June the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality and on August 1st of 2015 we were the first gay couple married inside of Jackson Square in the French Quarter!
Pivot shut up shirt

Come November our first daughter was born. We were elated! It all seemed surreal. We had always dreamt of the day we both would become dads. In the beginning of our search we were told our adoption wait could be anywhere from 5-7 years because we were a gay couple. To our amazement we waited a mere 3 and half weeks. Although it was a short amount of time to wait it was still super emotional and very hard at times. Some days it seemed like the adoption would happen and others it seemed like it wouldn’t.
Rooster warning I have a crazy mom and I’m not afraid to use her shirt

Our baby was born prematurely and she had to stay in the NICU. She was born at 30 weeks and because of this the original adoptive family backed out of the adoption and left our angel without a family to go home to. Then the birth mom felt that may have been a sign for her to keep the baby. And she did. For 4 days. I was an emotional wreck. I couldn’t stop crying for days. Douglas was upset too but he was there for me, he held me and let me cry on him. It absolutely strengthened our already solid bond. He was and is my rock. On the fourth day the birth mom decided to change her mind. As life would have it we were indeed allowed to adopt our baby girl!
WTF wine tasting friends shirt

After all of that drama I guess we did what any parent would do in that moment. We ran to Target! We had about a month to plan and get the nursery ready. After a long month of gaining weight and getting stronger she was discharged from the NICU. On December 4th we got to bring our tiny angel home. That was the best Christmas- EVER. All of a sudden she made us see everything that was clearly important. Our every move revolved around her and her well being. Every single decision then and now is made with our whole family in mind. If it’s not good for one it isn’t good for any of us.
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