It didn’t take long for us to grow interest for each other, although I always felt he seemed a bit stand offish, later to realize he was a bit shy and not wanting to bother the volunteers. One day I had to get something from the laundry room which was down the hill from the main home. It started to down pour like crazy, so I was trapped until it stopped. Ronnie and one of the Nannies happened to be in there, and we passed the time chatting and joking Freddie Mercury don’t stop me meow for cats loves Bohemian Catsody shirt. I remember feeling excited as new feelings found their way into my heart, yet scared that I was falling for a man who lived in Uganda, whose main language was not English, and whom was so different than I. One of my favorite memories was when Ronnie told me he loved me so much, when we had only known each other for like 2 weeks. I naturally was freaked out and tried my best to convince him there was no way he loved me so much already! I later found out that Ugandans do not ever say they like a person, they like trees or food, but they always love people. As you can see lol, culture has played a huge role in our relationship.
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Uganda captured my heart instantly, the people are beautiful inside and out and the culture draws you in. And don’t even get me started on the babies I got to love on, it was a dream come true and absolutely life changing! It was only a few days into my trip that I passed a guy named Ronnie, who was a native to Cows make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt and worked at the baby home as one of their drivers. He was holding a baby and I felt my heart skip. I always said I would need to marry a man who loved kids as much as I did because working with children and orphans was a huge passion of mine, but I never thought that man could be in Uganda or all places. Ronnie loved these kids like they were his own, but trust me, I did not go to Africa to find a husband!
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“Roughly 5 year ago I stepped on Ugandan soil for the first time. I never expected that not only would it become my second home, but would also give me a family. To understand my story I have to take you back to my childhood dream of wanting to volunteer in an orphanage overseas. Orphans have always pulled at my heart I’m a simple woman peace love Metallica shirt and it was in 2013 I finally felt the time was now! I quit my job, moved out of my apartment and broke up with my boyfriend, awaiting the adventure of a lifetime to what I thought would be 3 weeks in China. But God clearly had other plans. The doors for me to go to China closed and instead, opened to a baby home in Uganda, Africa, for 6 months! I always said I did not want to go to Africa (especially due to the tarantulas) but here I was, embarking on a trip halfway across the world – alone – and anxiously excited for what lay ahead.
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To this day, I do not know her name. Nor do I know why she was crying that day. I do not know her circumstances or her story or what happened to her. But, what I do know is that people, in their time of crisis, no matter how big or how small, should not be left alone to face it on their own. There is goodness in people. There is a sisterhood we are all part of, and sometimes we forget that. Sometimes, we are scared or overwhelmed in our own lives, and sometimes we feel like we are crossing a line. I am not suggesting you go out and hug random people all day, but I am suggesting we remember our value and what we can offer to each other when we need it the most. That is what I am trying to do in my life. That was I am trying to teach my beautiful children and what my friends are teaching theirs. Sometimes, that actually is a hug. Sometimes, it’s a kind word. Sometimes, it’s just a smile. Whatever it is, give it. Your Alan Jackson hotter than a hoochie coochie vintage sunset shirt, and their heart will thank you.”
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I suddenly decided I didn’t care. This woman was in pain and I had to take the chance. I turned on my heels and beelined back to her. I said nothing as I sat down next to her. She looked at me for a less than a second and leaned her head on my shoulder and cried. I wrapped my arms around her, and she buried her face into my chest, and she Ballet Shark Ten Du Du Du Du Funny Gift Shirt. And when she finally found the courage to pick her head up, she wrapped her arms around me and cried some more. When she was done, she wiped her tears and whispered, ‘I will be ok.’ I nodded and quietly said, ‘Yes, yes you will.’ Her car pulled up, she squeezed my hand, and she disappeared. As quickly as she came into my life, she left.
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We went to the appointment, and as we were walking out to the car, I saw her again. A different woman, but another woman who was alone and in the middle of a crisis. She was sitting on a bench outside of the hospital, and as we walked past her, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was crying. I smiled at her, and she tried to smile Grumpa like a regular grandpa only grumpier shirt. I took 10 more steps before that feeling hit me in my gut, and the thoughts raced through my head again. Do I invade her space? Will she be offended if I talk to her? Will she think I am crazy? Will she push me away?
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