“I remember the conversation so vividly when I asked my parents if they would be willing to bring my husband and myself, along with our three unborn babies, into their home with them. I was very early on in my triplet pregnancy. At the time we lived in a two-bedroom condo and we knew our lives were about to change dramatically.
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Without hesitation, my parents took us in. My husband took a summer teaching job so we could make some extra money before the babies came. I was put on strict bed rest two days after we moved in with them. My mom was home to care for me. I was so thankful to have her. The triplets came and it was a moment for us all. They spent two weeks in the NICU and finally came home with us.
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The triplets all suffered from GERD, which is like severe reflux. It was awful, to say the least. They need individual attention during feedings. Sleep deprivation kicked in and so did my postpartum depression. My parents started helping us with the nighttime feedings. My mom helped my husband at the 12 a.m. feeding and my dad helped me at the 3 a.m. feeding. I think back to that timeframe and know there is no way could have gotten through that season without my parents. They sacrificed so much to be there for us and our babies.
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