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Business fighters they just name them to terrorize, If UK government should play good game the girl can tell them the truth is not what she thinks at the beginning before joining Isis fighters they fight for business, not for religious reasons, whoever pays the Sino hablas conmigo no hables con mi marido Y no le pidas favores shirt money with Good weapon have the bad guys, If you dont know today I tell you they use American made weapons, who give it to them and how do they get them?

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When they occupy oil refinery they make business with the big countries you gave them weapons and they let you get oil in exchange trade by Barter, people should not be fool anymore is a game of mafia give and take, believe it or not, is reality, Their more than 3 group of this guy in Syria only one group is fighting for religious reasons the But did you die Heifer Flower shirt which one came out of Isis is like Isis they fight for the big guys,

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Some country really is devilish. Feel for her family but a lesson needs to be taught, we are a very helpful & understanding country but no way should she be welcomed back, we have no idea of her true intentions or how she now thinks and feels. I feel his pain, as a parent, and I mourn for the unborn child, but the Road Rage Walking Behind People In The Grocery Store Shirt were very well aware of where they were going, what they were going to, and the risks therein. Now it's all gone pear-shaped they expect Britain to sweep them up and nurture them. No remorse.

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She was unfazed at seeing a beheaded head in a bucket, W.T.F and she wants to come here, the men who are there have lost their citizenship, so should she. There seems to be some confusion here. This man is Amira’s father; it’s Shamima who is in the news and who wants to return with her baby. Not that it makes any difference to what both girls have done and what they have got themselves involved in. I think regardless of your views, the pain and anguish is evident in the father, but unfortunately, both girls made their decisions and are now adults who have to live with those consequences.
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