Ian Clack, I am insinuating nothing. But as I said above, today should be for the families and friends of those taken. There are 364 other days to talk about other things. Fabrizio Giuliani No, there isn't. This story runs today because it gets the most hits. It plays on the pain and the suffering of the families who have lost someone. Most people don't think of them much at all during the rest of the I’m a march queen I have 3 sides the quiet and sweet the funny and crazy shirt. But today, they do. That is why this story is running today. It's cruel. Elisabeth Castiglione Setzler every one of these tragedies has more victims than many think. The families who had children shot are suffering and will be, but the offender’s family also are victims. Victimhood is not an exclusive club. Elisabeth Castiglione Setzler, this young man lost someone, too. There is no dignity or honor in what his brother did. So, in addition to losing him, he also has to live with the stigma of being the family of the offender. AND further, he has no parents to turn to for comfort and reassurance. I genuinely feel terrible for him. As another poster said, there should be room for everyone today.

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