“I don’t know about you, but I hate watching commercials about animal shelters. You know, the ones with Sarah McLaughlin singing in the background about angels while they show all the puppies in the worst state of existence? I cringe every time, and it’s not because I need to change my estrogen patch. No, it’s because for an entire year, I had to console my then 4-year-old daughter who, upon seeing these commercials would bawl, throw herself on the floor and beg me to do something to right all the wrongs.
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Trust me, I tried to change the channel every time one would come on before her little eyes welled up with tears, but the minute I would touch the remote, her inner demon would come through, her neck would spin around, and she would demand I not ‘touch it.’ So, there we would sit for the next 90 seconds, watching dogs with sad faces struggling through life. I finally decided to make a donation to one of the organizations in her name for her birthday, thinking that if she felt like she was doing something about the problem, she would feel better the next time the tragedy came on the television.
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Incidentally, it worked, at least for that, but she’s always had a soft spot in her heart for every mammal, fish, bird, insect or otherwise. She even adopted a cat once. Well, wait, we’ve had three, but the one I’m referring to was when she was still about 4 years old and found a rag doll cat in the neighborhood that she decided should live in the garage. She fed it and watered it, and don’t worry, in the summer, she lathered it in sunscreen so it wouldn’t get burned.
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One particular spring day, she decided to help her dad out in the yard. You know, cleaning up from the long winter, raking up any left-over leaves, fertilizing the lawn – all the stuff you do to get ready for the next season. I was inside doing whatever it was I was doing, probably blaring music and cleaning up somebody else’s mess.
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I glared at my husband, this time squinting my eyes, crossing my arms, and slowly moving my head from side to side. ‘Well, Daddy, won’t she?’ I half demanded an answer and half wanted him to fall to his knees begging for forgiveness. I took her hand in mine again and led her back into the house to explain. As we crossed into the foyer, I heard him say, ‘you know these nests are health hazards.’
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