We all have some little part of Pluto telling us we must be in control . . . my will, my will, MY WILL. We all have some little part of Uranus, the rebellious impatient awakener ready to bring the fire of innovation to all. Furthermore, as a community on planet earth, maybe we have gone too far in our hubris. We have robbed the underworld of its treasures. We have used more than we needed. Now Uranus and Pluto play out in the heavens and we watch on earth as the environment suffers, animals suffer, people suffer and many people make fools of themselves. Some people turn to religious fervor to justify antiquated behaviors and beliefs. Judgmental religious/spiritual arrogance can only lead us further from the center of the Universe.
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Back to January and the New Moon: Imagine that all the planets are living parts of your inner being. Those of us who lived through the 60’s really believed the revolution was a done deal and we were on the way to a more compassionate world. The chart for the New Moon on January 1st tells us we still have a long way to go. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto (all in Capricorn) are all sitting on a stone bench (it’s stone because this is the sign of Capricorn, solid earth). They are bunched together and they don’t like it. The happy, warm, vital Sun and the emotional Moon must hold hands with the underworld (Pluto) where confronting secrets and truth must happen before we get the gold. In addition, Pluto is holding hands with Mercury (Hermes), the messenger.
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We are sure to get some powerful news on January 1. Maybe we could start right now and practice how to talk to each other without damage. Mercury and Pluto together is a sign of truth telling. Pluto gives intensity to our words and also to the Sun’s ego identity expression. Venus retrograde is sitting off on the corner of the bench (8 degrees away from Mercury). Maybe Venus is trying to stay balanced while the rest of the crew is arguing. It’s possible that the Moon in Capricorn will just shut down and wait for the Sun to come up tomorrow.
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Planet Jupiter, the deity of excess and bravado, is opposing all five of these entities from across the playing field in the sign of Cancer. Maybe a Cancerian Jupiter is a little toned down, but still the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Mercury and Venus are all extremely big and in your face due to Jupiter’s presence. If planets Mars and Uranus were not involved, we could almost say it’s just an optimistic kind of big day. Alas, Mars in Libra and Uranus and Aries are in the big grand square pressure cooker. Imagine a big square, now it becomes a shouting match in a boxing ring.
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Venus in Capricorn is retrograde so maybe we are longing for the good ole days. Maybe we call up some old friends to help ease the pressure. Maybe we hear from an old lover. Mars in Libra is full of the fighting spirit, particularly in the relationship arena. Uranus in Aries brings surprises and possibly shock. In fact, Mars connecting with Uranus and all these other planets could mean some surprise announcement in partnerships. The rest of the cast of players in Capricorn wants life to be settled and dependable, but the interaction with Mars, Uranus and Jupiter forces the staid Capricorn energy to squirm and wiggle. Trying to find a comfortable thing to say or a warm & fuzzy place to relax could be hard. I see the New Moon in Capricorn as a time of frozen emotions. The Moon is overwhelmed by all the excitement, agitation and aggression.
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