If you are into New Year’s resolutions, do a ceremony and seal it with your word! These planets are all in the cardinal/moveable signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Remember, the moveable signs literally move us along through the seasons. They get stuff going. New Year’s Day is a great one to get stuff going. If we commit to a plan, we will probably carry through. If you are into New Year’s resolutions, do a ceremony and seal it with your word! What’s it good for? Here are a few possible remedies that hopefully will keep the day from becoming a boxing match.
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This new moon energy might be great for a rock concert, any kind of musical performance, theater, creative undertakings, journaling, hiking in nature where weather permits, intuitive readings for the coming year, and finally, deep explorations of our belief systems and our current life situations. Saturn trines Jupiter: We have hope no matter what! At least Saturn, our good planet of structure and planning, is making a wonderful connection (trine) with Jupiter. All is not lost. We have hope in this New Year no matter what. We can get serious and thoughtful about our plans and purposes. Neptune is a dim light on this New Year’s Day
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On the bigger collective/social stage, one might expect explosive news from anywhere on the planet. Political players will be caught in their shenanigans or they will take up air space trying spread their version of the truth. The poor planet Neptune is hardly visible in the planetary arrangement. Neptune, the ruler of the victim, will be victimized by harsh words about the new health care agenda. Neptune rules compassion also, but compassion is a dim light on this New Year’s Day stage. Maybe we can light a bunch of candles and try to up the level of care. Speak out for justice (Mars in Libra). Refuse to be seduced by the promises of the corporate rulers (Pluto in Capricorn). Recognize your own genius (Uranus in individual Aries) and make plans to be a pioneer in your special area of expertise. Dream up ways to help others. With Jupiter in Cancer, we can feel the need of all sentient beings. Instead of using the Jupiter energy to brag and boast, we can extend to others with enthusiasm and nurturance.
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