Immediately, I thought back to previous stories I had read of other shootings and the things people did in those moments. I realized I wanted my mom to know what was going on and to speak with her in case I didn’t make it out of the venue. It was already past midnight in Austin. She answered the phone tired and confused why I would possibly be calling. I said, ‘Mom, there is a shooter here, we are on the floor, please stay on the phone with me.’ Someone in our suite kept saying, ‘It’s not real.’ That it was NOT a gun and it was firecrackers and they just want people to panic.
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Even though I didn’t believe him and thought for sure it was something more than fireworks, I stood up anyways. I saw people jumping over barriers and gates by the stage. I saw a girl running towards our suite – then she was struck and fell face first to the floor. I knew she had just been shot and this was a real situation. At that moment, it hit me. ‘Oh my God, people are really dying here.’ When you witness someone running for safety and then getting shot, you think, ‘This is really happening. I might not survive this.’ And to this day, that image plays in my mind every time I think of that night.
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I told my best friend and her fiancé to stay down. Around the 7th or 8th burst of gunfire, the bullets began to hit the suite. We could hear the metal pinging all around us and could hear everyone screaming. I believe my mom could even hear the bullets on the phone with me. She kept asking, ‘Are those the bullets?’ She was so confused. In her mind, it was like a fight broke out and someone pulled out a handgun or something. She had no clue of what was really happening to me. That turned out to be a good thing because she stayed so calm, which kept me calm. She made me believe I was going to be okay even though I really didn’t know if I was going to make it out.
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During a break in shooting, someone opened the door and said, ‘You need to run!’ I assumed the shooter was making his way to the suite area and didn’t want to be sitting ducks, so we made the hardest decision ever and left the ‘safety’ of our suite and ran outside to try and escape. As soon as we stood up, another round began. As we were running down the stairs, a bullet hit so close to my friend and I, we both shifted and screamed to the side of the stairs. We made a run for it out the back gate and through a dirt lot, trying to run as fast and low as I could.
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I could still hear the bullets hitting all around, I hit a large rock, rolling my ankle and crashing to the ground. My mom was still on the phone with me. She just kept repeating, ‘You are going to be okay Bryce, you’re going to be okay. Keep running and get behind something safe when you can.’ When I fell, I remember my mom screaming into the phone, ‘BRYCE BRYCE BRYCE!’ because she thought I had been shot. A group of people pulled me behind a car with them, as we all huddled together behind this tiny car during gunfire.
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Once the gunfire stopped, we ran again. As you ran from the festival, you saw people scattering, officers screaming to run this way, people on the ground everywhere, blood on the ground and on people’s clothes. One of the toughest moments of my life was making direct eye contact with someone who had been shot. She was alive, we just engaged in this direct eye contact. It really felt like she could see my fear and I could see hers, we both had a look of helplessness. We locked eyes for maybe 2 seconds at the most and yet everything around me stopped. There were no bullets, no noise, just pure fear and I feel like we felt each other’s bond at that moment. It’s something that is so hard to describe but something I will never forget. She had someone pushing her in a wheelchair so I knew she already had help, but I don’t know if she survived. I hope she did. There is no way for me to know as her face was covered in blood.
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