The cycle of Uranus and Pluto started in the mid 1960’s when the planets made a conjunction in the sign of Virgo. This conjunction initiated a social revolution on our planet. In 2012 Uranus and Pluto reached the first Square Aspect of this cycle. You might say they reached the first serious challenge of all that occurred in the mid 60’s. There will be two more serious challenge times before the cycle is complete and Uranus and Pluto form a new conjunction for the next evolutionary step. Their current square connection has many exact aspects between 2012 and 2015. Our puny minds can’t totally grasp what this revolution is about because it is really beyond our comprehension and most of us will not live to see how it actually unfolds.
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The next major crisis in the Uranus/Pluto exchange won’t occur for almost fifty more years. Most of the time we are just in reactive mode to this event. Other times we speculate on what it all means. One example of the current revolutionary changes would have to be gay rights. There has been a profound change in how the majority of people think about gayness. Even the Pope!! Maybe these current times represent a small step toward becoming citizens of a Universe (not just citizens of a city, state, country, planet). But each of us is in our own revolution. Maybe it’s in our psyches, in our bodies, in our relationships with family, or in our careers. We are all Mr. and Ms Uranus and Mr. and Ms Pluto. We are all control freaks.
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Have you noticed any change in your sense of time, or is it just that I’m getting older and time flies by? It seems there is not enough time to do everything. Life keeps rushing along. Life keeps asking me to make adjustments. Nothing stays in place. Everything seems messy. Mad drivers fill the freeways. Friends are irritable. I’m behind in everything and frustrated beyond belief. We are all “out of control” freaks. We are trying to shift away from old ways of thinking. We are trying to ascend into different vibrations. Meanwhile, we are rattled, fatigued and overwhelmed by energy that feels relentless.
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Uranus (planet of shock, trauma, upheaval, revolution) and Pluto (planet of control, elimination and transformation) are not necessarily causing anything to happen. However, their cycle should be understood this way: As Above, So Below. Metaphorically, these two planets might be viewed as archetypal deities. They are waging a battle and we are experiencing their battle on earth. Does that sound crazy? Uranus is the sky god. Sky god rules things like wind and thought and lightening bolts and striving for perfection. Pluto is the underworld deity where riches are found. Think diamonds and gold. Who controls the underworld controls life, or so it seems. Pluto doesn’t want to give up control of all those pretty things. Think stock market. The movie, “Wolf of Wall Street”, has a strong Plutonian theme: being seduced by wealth and the sense of being invincible. The rich Wall Street players seem to get away with living a life out of the days of the Roman emperor Nero. It’s just in their nature to use other people and to try to grab more than they really need. They prove their power through having too much and living without scruples. This is how they experience themselves. Uranus is the planet that brings surprise and awakening to this operation. Uranus driving the car off the road or brings a tornado to the neighbor. Or the FBI tracks them down.
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