Ugh, I'd quit. I hate hugs. I only hug those I'm really close to. Immediate family and a few close friends. I would like a job with forced hugging but not forced to work as it goes against some human rights. Just come in give everyone a hug or maybe 2 and go home apart from Fridays when you give 3 hugs and get paid. I'd better stop my occasional hugging of my team then. I will leave the sitting on the Sunset retro style Seagulls stop it now shirt part to Santa though! He obviously just confuses textiles and tactile feelings. Fabric addiction is quite common in the workplace so I am told but my secretary disagrees with me. I have not read the article but I would gage if the person is comfortable with me or not before hugging and kissing them on the cheek. Andy said that common give me a hug so I did hug him. It does not mean that I am at ease with everyone.

From: Shop trending shirt

Glad this sort of behavior is getting exposed. Being obligated to sit on his lap?! Being coerced into him massaging your ears?! That's all totally inappropriate. I 'wonder' if those in HR who kept receiving the complaints will also get exposed to failing the staff. He sounds like another of the super-rich who thinks that that automatically gives him rights to do as he please, as his money somehow puts him above the law. Now if only they'd size their clothes like a normal company! I don't shop there anymore because it annoys me having to ask what the sizes are in relation to the Sunset retro style Seagulls stop it now shirt world. And if you are an expert. Why can't you resign and join a new company? Or better still create your own company and demonstrate good morals
Other t-shirts: Sunset retro style Seagulls stop it now Sweater
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