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What most people didn’t know, friends and family included was that I’d been living in a horrible marriage. Most said to me, wow we thought Y'all were so happy. We had no idea. And that’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want anyone to know. And for the last 6 weeks, I was living through hell. We were separated. Had been on and off for Grinch I Dont’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt. But not wanting a failed marriage and my child in a broken home like I had, I tried to make it work. I put my wants and needs aside. Years of manipulation, control, isolation from most of my friends, abuse, and so much more. But everyone has a limit. I had mine. So, this separation was final to me.

Weeks of using Ansley as a bargaining tool and drilling her and trying to manipulate her into hating me led me to make the decision to separate legally. The last thing you’re going to mess with is my child. Mess with me. Not my child. See, in South Carolina as long as you are married both of you have rights to your house. You can come and Grinch I Dont’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt. You can’t change locks. The other person can show up at 3 a.m., and he did. Often. He would take Ansley. He would hold her as he was yelling. Unless I got a restraining order, what could I do? People ask why I didn’t.

Honestly, I don’t know. I didn’t want people to know my marriage was failing. That I failed. I knew one day I’d go to pick her up and he’d have taken her, and I wouldn’t know where. So, I let him know I’d be doing the paperwork for a legal separation and Grinch I Dont’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt. He would text me and be nice and then immediately the mood flipped. He’d text 100 times and then nothing for a day. He got fired from his job on purpose and tried to manipulate me to let him move back in.

My aunt talked to him as he needed a ride from the airport. After talking to him, I’ll never forget what she told me. ‘Don’t let him move back in that house, he’s going to kill you.’ She said he was up and down. She asked him to let her take him to the Grinch I Dont’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt for help. She thought he needed to be evaluated because he was acting so spastic. I knew he did. It progressively had gotten worse.

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