When we arrived, she was back to not being herself and even worse. Her fever crept over 100 degrees and all she wanted to do was sleep.

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Not only was the infection confusing, they believed she had pneumonia, which was a surprise to us. They told us she could have picked up some sort of horrible virus since we were moving locations so often.

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We informed them that we are heading to Arizona next where we had more family and would take her in there since we had outside support for our son.

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We celebrated my 30th birthday and right after, her health started to decline yet again. The biggest difference this time was her eye.

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Her fever came back, her lack of drinking any fluids had us beyond worried, her black eye and her complete lethargic behavior told us to take her back in.

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The doctors and nurses that we saw were stumped at her behavior and her symptoms. Bloodwork showed that she was anemic.

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One of the nurses noticed that she had thrush, which was a surprise to me because she was a bottle baby. The doctor that read the X-ray said she did not see any masses, but her liver looked a little enlarged and sent us down to the main campus to see a specialist.

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After being admitted, another team of doctors told us that they are stumped. That nothing is jumping out at them.

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At this point, John and I were staying in a hospital room and trading off who would drive 45 minutes to go spend a few hours with our son and who would spend the night not sleeping and holding Millie so she would sleep.

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The doctor came in, much earlier than we had expected, which usually did not result in positive news. He sat down with us, looked at us and said, ‘I’m not waiting for the definitive radiologist report. That could take quite some time since this is a holiday weekend.

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