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I checked into work and it wasn’t long before my boss gave me the ok to go down to the hospital to see how he was. When I got there they diagnosed him with a sinus infection. He had spiked a 102 fever and his toes were feeling numb too. I can’t remember what it was that led them to do the spinal tap -whether it was his Enjoy my Cool taste the difference shirt, his symptoms or the CT of his head, but for whatever reason, they did the spinal tap and thank God they did. That’s when they decided to admit him under the premise of meningitis.

The next couple days were frustrating. One second he’s on isolation and we are told it’s bacterial meningitis, and the next, there is the talk of discharging him with a PICC line and teaching him how to catheterize himself because it’s viral meningitis. Thankfully the day I assisted Zach to the bathroom, his stepmom was Enjoy my Cool taste the difference shirt. I noticed as I walked him back to his bed his left foot sliding and lagging behind instead of him picking it up. I remember the nurses where I worked talking about a drop foot before, so I called my boss and she immediately said we had to get him to a higher-level hospital up the road.

My mother in law went into action fast and before we knew it, we had the neurologist doing his assessment and ordering MRIs. Around 6 p.m. that day I went home to take a quick shower and came back to find a doctor in the room quietly speaking to my in-laws. The results of the MRI came back and there were lesions all over his brain and Enjoy my Cool taste the difference shirt. They transferred him that night to the University of Maryland Medical Systems in Baltimore. When the neurologist came in and did his assessment on him the next morning, the numbness that was in his toes had already moved up his knees.

Unfortunately, the images were not very clear once they were transferred to their system so they wanted to order all new MRI’s. They put him in isolation because of the unclarity of his tests and had to do another spinal tap. I remember it being a long weekend – Labor Day weekend – so the results felt like they took a lifetime to come back. He was in and out of sleep and not comprehending questions. They asked so many Enjoy my Cool taste the difference shirt – any recent travel, any swimming in lakes or any other bodies of water, any sickness, any vaccines – the only thing he had was allergies last week. Otherwise, he was perfectly healthy.

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