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I’m sure that sounds horrible and makes me even worse. But it’s the truth. I wasn’t sad for myself. I didn’t miss him as a husband, as a friend, or a person. I don’t have a sappy sad story of losing someone. I lost that long before. Sunset Dwight Schrute False Shirt. I was sad for my daughter. Sad that she would one day wonder why she wasn’t enough for her dad. Why he didn’t see enough in her to deal with his demons and get help. And one day, she will read the death certificate, the very detailed death certificate. And I hope that she knows that she was enough. And he wasn’t.

Throughout our fights and at the end, he always made sure to say he didn’t want her calling anyone else daddy. And he didn’t want his wife with anyone else. Well. Guess what. She calls someone else daddy. She’s slowly moved from Mr. Tommy to sometimes saying dad and sometimes stepdad. And that’s perfectly fine. It’s her decision. She would not Sunset Dwight Schrute False Shirt. He would have never been replaced as her dad. I’d never allowed that. And no one would expect that. But now I have an amazing husband. Someone who lets me chase my dreams. Someone who takes care of me and our kids. Someone who sees me as a partner and not an obsession or possession. Someone who Ansley can call dad if she wants. We have a great life.

3 years ago, I had no clue what would be in our future. And man, has everything changed. She’s slowly forgetting. That makes me sad for her. He made the decision. One that changed his daughter’s life. We went through the sad stage and the anger and the misbehaving and everything else. I’ve heard her tell me horrible things out of anger and not Sunset Dwight Schrute False Shirt. She doesn’t know what actually happened. Just daddy was sick. And I still don’t know if that was the right call either. But I was left with all the responsibility of raising her. I get all the bad times, but I also get all the good times. I don’t have to miss anything. And honestly, I’m thankful for that.

Truth be told, I don’t know what kind of life I’d have it he hadn’t made that decision. And that’s horrible to think I’m actually better off because of it. But it does cross my mind and honestly makes me relieved that he did. Although I would never wish that to be part of my story and if I could change it I would. I would want my child to have her dad that’s Sunset Dwight Schrute False Shirt. I don’t want her growing up and having issues because of his decision. I’ll never understand leaving my child or choosing anything over her. She will always be first.

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