Buy now: Merry Ottermas Merry Christmas sweatshirt
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I love this! Unfortunately, if he was around today he would be saying that everybody was walking around looking at their phones before Christmas!! People were bumping into each other because they weren't paying attention to where they were going! The way it used to be AND needs to get back to. Miss all the Christmas specials growing up: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Perry Como, Andy Williams, etc. Specials that blended core family values, the Merry Ottermas Merry Christmas sweatshirt of Christmas and solid entertainment into one show. Somehow, we morphed into a nation where God and faith have become a punch-line. I have a strong feeling this nation is finally going to turn away from this "progressive " black hole and back to the values that made us great.

Those were the good old days when people respected each other new what love is they didn't have much but they had each other it was a different world it was a better world merry Christmas to all. This was a warm, genuine moment and nice to watch, with regards to the spirit of Christmas. It's interesting reading everyone's comments. Many saying things were better in those days and such. America was in an economic boom due to the rest of the world rebuilding from WWII. But, if you were a minority of any kind... America wasn't so "Great" back Merry Ottermas Merry Christmas sweatshirt. And this show, as funny as it was, reflected domestic violence against women, at the time. " One of these days Alice, right in the kisser!". Food for thought. Happy Holidays everyone. Be safe.

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