Buy this now: If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault shirt
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It’s now been a month since my baby boy was born and I wouldn’t change it for the world. My hope is that he and Jager will grow up with each other and become fast friends. I know that he is so much more than just a dog to me. He is my family, my sounding If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault shirt, and the best friend I have ever had.” I’ll never forget when the nurse angrily said this to me when I told her my husband said the back of his head feels like it’s on fire, and requested something for the pain the night before he was transferred to a higher level hospital.

Unfortunately, when you are a 24-year-old man, there can be a stigma of someone seeking pain medicine. We had already been through hell, I was on day 3 of living at the hospital, my husband had already been through a spinal tap, multiple If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault shirt and I’ve watched him be put in isolation and taken back out twice already. I was mentally exhausted and hungry for answers — little did I know this was just a small footprint in what was about to come.

Meningitis was the first diagnosis, but they struggled to determine if it was viral or bacterial (hence the constant isolation changes). I was terrified to go home to our 2-year-old daughter, Ava – worried sick if it were bacterial I would pass it to her. His If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault shirt came out of nowhere. I remember the Saturday before we got a babysitter and went out drinking. We were both slightly hungover on Sunday and when I started to feel better he said to me, ‘wow, my headache just kicked up 3 notches.’ He laid around the rest of the day and I remember feeling irritated as I chased around our toddler.

The next day I got Ava and I ready so I could go to work and as I walked out the door I saw his car in the driveway. At this point I was fuming that a) he If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault shirt go to work because of a hangover b) he already laid around after work the week before because of his allergies and c) he didn’t even ask if I needed help while I was getting Ava and me ready. I remember stomping out of the house saying something along the lines of, ‘if it’s that bad you need to go to urgent care.’

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