Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 12, 2018

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As the annual sophomore speech finals have come to a close, Denebola got the opportunity to obtain each finalist’s transcription, as well as a recording of their speech. Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirtSophomore Kiran Maypole’s speech entitled “I’ve Got Your Nose” enabled her to win this year’s competition. Read Maypole’s speech below:

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On the Indian side of my family, such a nose is passed down genetically, getting bigger as you grow, and they’ve nicknamed it the beak for its sharp, downward hook. Full Of Christmas Spirits Tequila Snowman Jolly Juice Santa Whiskey Mistletoe Vodka Stocking ShirtThis was the last thing I wanted. I was worried that with a nose like this, people would never take me seriously, push me away, and make my life amount to nothing. So, I told myself that when I was older, I would just get it fixed with a nose job.  This was when I was nine-years-old.

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My sister is nine and can’t even master the microwave, much less make the life-altering decision of getting a body part surgically altered. I've Got Your Nose ShirtBut, that’s what I had resolved to do. When I was younger, I hated my nose; the way the bridge looked too thick in the mirror, and just how big it was.

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Now, this was well before I learned that surgery is trauma. People often get surgery in the wake of trauma, but the life-saving surgery itself is also traumatic. Dwight Schrute well happy birthday Jesus sorry your party's so lame shirtYou’re put into a coma, have a tube shoved down your throat, and are cut into with knives. Some surgery, however, isn’t essential; it’s elective procedures, like plastic surgery, that split into of two categories.

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Either reconstructive surgery, where surgeons fix defects from birth and injury to ensure normal bodily function, like a cleft palate repair; or cosmetic, I Dont Always Listen To My Wife Shirtwhich pertains to adjusting the body solely for visual appeal, as in a facelift.

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Although it can be easily bought and paid for nowadays, cosmetic surgery is a life-altering decision and should be treated as such. Draunt Like A Normal Aunt Only Drunker See Also Beautiful Exceptional ShirtIts increasing popularity has reached an unreasonable level, thanks in part to the celebrities who promote it, making it a symbol of status. Instead, we need to advertise the true consequences and harsh realities of these surgeries.

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Many people justify undergoing cosmetic surgery as an empowering way to remove insecurities and make them a better person. Steve Harvey have you lost your Christmas spirit cuz i'll help you find it SweaterThey believe going under the knife will give them something that they’ve been missing, not considering the result could be unsatisfactory.

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This is a harmful misconception, and a study reported by the American Psychology Association found people who got breast implants were four times more likely to commit suicide than people of the same age, without them. Snoop Dogg Twas the nizzle before Christmizzle and all through the hizzle ugly sweaterWhile it can provide a physical escape from insecurities, cosmetic surgery does not change people internally, so many looking for a newfound sense of self-worth aren’t satisfied.

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This dissatisfaction with appearance is not new; it’s evident in the foot-binding of the Han dynasty, and the corsets of the 16th century. Best Buckin Papa Ever ShirtYet now, an increasing number of celebrities openly jumping on the cosmetic surgery bandwagon are making it the go-to beauty treatment.

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Transform, a UK cosmetic surgery collective recognizes the star-studded Kardashians as the catalyst for this spread. They have found a 73% increase in patients citing them as inspiration for procedures, and since Kylie got them, a 700% increase in inquiries about lip injections. I got you this Christmas Cardi Okurrrr SweaterAs people want to imitate their favorite stars more and more, cosmetic surgery has become a symbol of status all over the world.

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