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When I got back there were nurses and doctors running in his room, yelling ‘code blue!’ I wasn’t allowed in the room – they were intubating him. I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. I was sobbing. His doctor had warned me it was a possibility, but I never thought it would happen the second I walked Dairy cows I am a certified tit puller shirt. At that moment I vowed not to leave his side again until we saw this through. That day he got transferred to the neuro ICU floor on a ventilator.

He couldn’t even lift his thumb. They had the vent settings on high because he was exhausted from fighting the past week. I sat in the chair next to him and held his limp hand the rest of the day. At some point, a different doctor asked me and my in-laws to come into a conference Dairy cows I am a certified tit puller shirt. They told us Zach had a very long road to recovery. They couldn’t promise me a full recovery and they didn’t have a diagnosis yet – they were still ruling things out. He had also come down with pneumonia.

I remember that doctor looking at me and telling me there may be some decisions that need to be made, and if I don’t sign off on them now, there may not be time to decide. It was best to get permission now rather than wait. I signed off on a PEG tube for his stomach, a tube to drain his chest and I signed that I DO want any life-saving measures for my Dairy cows I am a certified tit puller shirt. They warned me that this road was going to be long, that with every step forward there would be 3 back, and boy they didn’t disappoint. The doctors urged me to go home, to get some rest. The last thing they wanted was for me to be at the brink of exhaustion and wind up sick.

I wanted to scream at the thought of leaving him. I told them there was no way I was leaving him. What if something happened and I couldn’t say goodbye? What if he woke up and I wasn’t there? The next 3 weeks Zach remained in ICU. There wasn’t a bed for me but they did have a chair that I slept in. I held his hand, sang songs to him, prayed over him. I would squeeze his hand 3 squeezes at a time: ‘I (one squeeze) love (2nd squeeze) you Dairy cows I am a certified tit puller shirt,’ hoping that even in his unconsciousness he could feel I was there. I wanted him to fight for me, to fight for.

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