Your circle of friends was pretty tight in high school. You’ll all remain friends for a long time afterward. But you’ll only keep one as a best friend. Don’t be upset when you lose the others. Everyone pursues different lives and that’s totally Top Trending KingTees Shop April 16, 2019. You’ll still cheer each other on from the sidelines as social media will help keep you connected. Andie will be someone who stays by your side through all of the hardships you will face throughout your 20’s. (Spoiler alert: there’s a lot!) You will even become ordained and marry her to her sweet husband, shortly after they welcome their first baby. It’s a friendship that will stand the test of time. So enjoy the time you have now with all of your girls. You’ll be thankful for the memories you all had during your teenage years.

You’re not going to marry your high school sweetheart, like your parents and all of your aunts and uncles did. Prince Charming isn’t even close to Flushing, Michigan. In fact, he’s on the other side of the country. So don’t get hung up on this notion that the only way you’ll get married is by marrying this person you spent your teenage years with. It’s a strange mindset to Top Trending KingTees Shop April 16, 2019, especially when marrying your high school sweetheart is just ‘what everyone does.’ It’s hard to imagine there’s any other way of finding the person you will spend your life with. But trust me, he’s not even close to this place you call home. You’ll be the first in your family to break this cycle and it’s a beautiful tradition to change. You have your own story to unfold far, far away. Go west, my dear, and don’t waste your time with anyone here.
From: Shop KingTees Shirt

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