Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 4, 2019

The songs today 3/4/2019

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I am really disappointed with the comments here. I don't think the purpose of these stories is to point fingers. It is time we take a lesson from history to ensure that the mistakes of our forefathers are not repeated. And the Palestinians paid the price for what the Nazis did. Millions of Palestinians have been killed and driven out of their homes by the Israeli soldiers since 1948 and The songs today 3/4/2019 powers stay silent. Shameful. Let us never forget and never let it happen again. Evil must never win whether we are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, black, white, yellow, brown or purple! Let's learn to stand together as brothers and sisters in this world. Why you are not talking about the Armenians Massacres by the Turkish. Why you are not talking about what’s going on now in Nigeria and the Christens massacre. How long you will be crying and want the whole world to cry with you. Get over it and think about people are dying today. 

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