Crap there’s a lot of people here. Do this many people seriously fly out this early? Where could they all be going? I’ll send my husband to drop off the bags at baggage check. I’ll sit here with the kids. Okay quick head count…yup, got all five. They’re already whining? Please stop whining. We just got here. Redirect. Redirect. Thank God for Top 10 t-shirt KingTees Shop 05/04/2019. That guy over there staring at us does not look kid-friendly at all. Oh look, those people have kids with them. Good to know we’re not the only crazy people on the planet today. Oh, that man looks very business professional. I really hope he’s not the one sitting in front of us as my kids kick his seat on accident for the 14th time.

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Okay, let’s just throw ALL of these bags on the conveyer belt. Grab some bins. Empty pockets. It’s okay kids just hold on one second. Is everyone staring at me? Am I going fast enough? Am I slowing down this whole production? Of course, I am. Calm down, calm down. You’re doing the best you can. I think. Oh, thank you kind Top 10 t-shirt KingTees Shop 05/04/2019 sir for not making the kids take off their shoes. You have no idea how many minutes you just saved us. Okay, kids, one by one through the little detector. Yup, just walk right through that one. No, that one. Yeah, that one right there that the man is standing in. Go ahead, it’s okay! Yes he, you follow your sister. Okay and then you. And you. And you. My turn. Dad’s turn.
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