Fast forward – It was now 2013 and after 5 years of marriage, we finally felt like it was time to start creating our very own family. We dreamed of our kids OFTEN and had all 7 of their names already chosen (yes, you heard right – SEVEN!) Eva Li was the first curly-haired caramel drop that was given to us. It wasn’t long after that we got pregnant again with our sweet Simon, who we never got to actually meet, but we know we’ll see him in heaven one day. Next came our champion, Nygel, and we were so excited to finally see what our son would look like. Being parents was the highlight of our life and everything we did, we did with them in mind… Hot trending KingTees Shop 07/04/2019. One day, in late 2016, Kyle and I started a conversation that brought trouble to our paradise and ultimately turned our world upside down, lit it on fire, and said, ‘Run for your life!’ I knew we were living in a mixed-orientation marriage, but we were both under the assumption we would be able to pray the gay away.

Besides riding horses, playing volleyball and practicing my killer runway walk that I was sure to use someday, I had one dream growing up: Get married and have children. It was the epitome of life to me and I just knew I was going to make an amazing wife and mom. My dream started to come true in 2008 – I had just turned 20-years-old when I married my best friend, Hot trending KingTees Shop 07/04/2019. Our first few years of marriage were the toughest, but together, we learned and grew more than I knew I even had the capacity for. We were always ready for the next adventure, wherever God would lead us. Over the years, we worked in several different church ministries. Wherever we were, the two of us always made a great team. We loved creating community wherever we went. We were passionate about establishing a safe space for anyone who was looking for a tribe. We hosted weekly game nights in our home where people would pile in, and we would have hours of laughter and fun. Our marriage was admired by many and we were often told, our relationship gave them hope for their own marriage one day.
From: Shop Funny Shirt

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