“Growing up, I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie. I read all of the books and watched the series from beginning to end as a young girl. My mom signed me up for a monthly program where they sent me various Laura Ingalls favorites and I cooked recipes that were cooked during her time. I just couldn’t get enough of it. I loved the simplicity of their Hot trending KingTees Shop 09/04/2019. I found it fascinating that little girls could have just one doll for years and years, while I had an entire room dedicated to my American Girl Doll collection. I was captivated by their one or two dresses they would rotate while I had a closet filled with dozens and dozens of different options. Everything they had was so precious to them. They didn’t take anything for granted. They appreciated what they had, and they worked even harder to get something new.

I knew that one thing I wanted to do when I had children was to give them a more simplified childhood. One that has very few electronics. I look at my own children’s childhood and I see a world that’s completely opposite of the one I grew up worshipping. Their world is filled with screens. Everything is in constant motion. Their intimate little realm is so loud. Almost every toy makes a noise. The TV in the Hot trending KingTees Shop 09/04/2019 is a constant reminder that commotion is nonstop for them. The tablet we throw at them in the cart at the grocery store and at the table in a restaurant is us feeding into that continual need for entertainment. There’s hardly any silence. We’re asking them to use their imagination less and less. We’re already creating a habit of looking down at a screen instead of in the faces of people…and isn’t that something we already find really concerning about the teenagers and adults in our society?
From: Shop KingTees Shirt

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