Michelle Riesling that's what God is going to focus on because it is against is Divine Word. He destroyed a whole city call Sodom & Gomorrah for this vile sin in the Bible. Read it for yourself. He has not changed His mind. He is still perfect in His judgment. You obviously don't read the Bible. Not so weird. If he was a woman, or was trans and was married to a woman, those negatives for conservative voters would be all that was talked about. Pamela Ashlock-Charles Catron on the contrary, the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt of having a gay, Hispanic, African American, atheist male for president or greater than having a woman.

Women have always will be held to a higher standard and have seen at least two polls regarding the acceptance of a gay president. I don’t know much about the guy other than what the article indicates but from your comment Michelle, it sounds like he’s pretty qualified for the job. I will definitely research this candidate if he secures the DNC nomination We’ll have to see what the future has in store. Michelle Riesling we already have an 11-year-old boy dressing up in drag dancing for these homosexuals at a nightclub in New York wonder how long it will take for them to try to legalize pedophilia utilizing the Dvengers Dachshund version shirt old argument.

Michelle Riesling it isn’t weird. Representation is important and while he has a great resume, his being gay will inspire numerous LGBTQ children, youth and adults as well as others. Dave Esselburn I never said anything about what I'd vote. I won't be voting as I'm English. But yea I'd vote for him. No issues with his sexuality. My point is the media will push the Dvengers Dachshund things. It will piss people off and turn them against him.

Joe Rather and both of his parents were professors at Notre Dame. His dad was a translator at his mother is a linguist. Michelle Riesling not from this end of the pond would be nice to see someone so well rounded in office. Anita Roll, I was ironic. The US is full of hypocrisy and farce, and I think they should change bank notes quote to in oil, we thrive.

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