He has autism and I always believe kids with autism are smarter than regular kid even though kids with autism are quiet and doesn't talk much.
I remember my dad told me once "be mindful for those who are quieter than the loud ones for they have the more intellectual capacity" well he told that n our native language I am.just translating.
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No Gloria the most genius among us are misunderstood because of their complex way of understanding the simplest way is always the BEST connection.

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This really hit a nerve, feeling misunderstood, not fitting into the ‘norm’. Not saying that I am a genius, but a lot of untapped potentials. -

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Although the part in this video about Einstein not attending school lectures is true he was, however, a very bright student and had good grades.

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This is a common problem with bigheaded children, they have a big machinery inside that isn't easy to control at the beginning, but after some time it is normal and faster and faster than others, Elbert Einstein was famous intelligent brain whichever we cannot determine that.

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