Stage by stage and meter by meter, the robot reported back its progress.

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The robot absolutely had to start generating power to operate its systems and to warm equipment in the sub-zero temperatures that persist on the Red Planet.

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It was this mini-spacecraft, called Marco A and B, that relayed the probe's signals back to Earth during the plunge to the surface.

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"Having successfully brought all the data back from InSight during its exciting entry, descent and landing (EDL) sequence - what you see before you is an image taken roughly 4,700 miles from Mars, about 10-15 minutes after EDL itself," explained Marco chief engineer Andy Klesh.
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This will be the first probe to dedicate its investigations to understanding

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And the third experiment will use radio transmissions to very precisely determine how the planet is wobbling on its axis. Deputy project scientist Suzanne Smrekar uses this analogy:

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Scientists understand very well how Earth's interior is structured, and they have some good models to describe the initiation of this architecture at the Solar System's birth more than 4.5 billion years ago.

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InSight chief scientist Bruce Banerdt said: "The small details in how planets evolve are what we think to make the difference between a place like Earth where you can go on vacation and get a tan, and a place like Venus where you'll burn in seconds or a place like Mars where you'll freeze to death."
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The UK18 projections are further evidence that we will see more extreme weather in the future - we need to prepare and adapt now, climate change impacts are already being felt with the record books being re-written," said Emma Howard Boyd, chair of the Environment Agency.
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Mr. Gove has been stressing that Britain has a good track record on climate change, has cut emissions by 40% since 1990 while continuing to grow the economy.

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