Take one day at a time but try to be that person. Be there for that person in whatever way that is. We don’t need to make them feel bad. Just supported.

Just loved. And let them know that we can be their strength until they can have some days where their own strength comes back.
Teacher shark doo doo doo your homework Shirt
Maybe you are saying, “I need a mental break. I need a physical break.” That’s okay too. Just don’t stay there too long.

We care and we know what this program and your Farrell’s family can do for you internally and externally. We will give you unconditional love, no matter what.
Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital Shirt
I was led to reach out to some people to see how they were doing. Some because I hadn’t seen them. It might have been one day, two days, three days or multiple days. Some just because. They were on my heart and mind. There were actually multiple people on my heart and mind in those moments. But...I ended up reaching out to a handful of them.

One person came to class that next day and told me that the reason they came to class that day is that I sent them that email. They were struggling. They needed that tug and support, whether it was from me or someone else.
I’m so happy they made the decision for them to try.
Draunt Like A Normal Aunt Only Drunker See Also Beautiful Exceptional Shirt
Some of you have that person or people that are your accountability partners. They care about you. They KNOW you are strong and have this in you. I know some of you aren’t ready yet and that’s okay.

Just know that we will continue to reach out because we know what this can do for you. We know what the support can do for you. I know from a daily experience what it does for me. Did you know that there are days that I just don’t want to?
Official Poppins Hat And A Very Mary Christmas To You Shirt
I saw someone yesterday that was going to give up on the bag. I went over at the beginning of class and didn’t let it happen. I went and did partner work the entire class long and we both had THE most amazing workout. That person did NOT quit.

That person did NOT give up. That person ROCKED it. And guess what? That person helped me as much as I helped that person. I see you guys doing that with others and it makes me so happy. And it inspires me.
The Grinch I Like To Stay In Bed It’s Too Peopley Outside Shirt
I also had another situation where the class called for partner work. That other person that was my partner pushed me like no other.

They pushed me to levels I achieved that I wouldn’t have achieved if it wasn’t for them pushing me and encouraging me. I can’t say enough positive things about partner work. Amazing stuff! Do it! If you want to change, do it!
Pitt Stronger than hate shirt
I’ve been thinking about this a lot the last few days. How do I help people not give up? Think about that. How can YOU help people to not give up and keep going? How can you not give up? It’s easier said than done because we ALL have those days and life situations.

I know each person has to have the mindset and that strength not to give up. The hardest part is to get the mindset, keep the mindset and force yourself to keep going and not give up.
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