I'm making pulled chicken in my slow cooker, it's simple! Bbq sauce, brown sugar, Worcester sauce, the little bit of oil and chicken breasts.

Whack it on high for 4 hours, pull the chicken apart with 2 forks and leave it another half an hour then stuff it into a baguette! Lovel. Sounds yummy cheers for the recipe & method going to have to give this one a go.
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This is the monarchies that bring millions in tourists to this country, for me, I am proud to have this tradition & think they are another amazing couple doing great work within our communities.

All the best in your new home xx. Oh, bigger and bigger house oh what Meghan wants Meghan gets thanks, Harry.
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I think they are a lovely couple but I don't suppose they will have to hire a van and get their mates to help them like my grown-up kids did.

Why do all the Royals have to live in England - can't they be spread around the other countries where the Queen is still monarch? New Zealand for Harry for example, or the Solomon Islands for Prince Edward?
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Today I stubbed my foot on one of my kitchen chairs and when I kneeled down to take my sock off, I saw that the nail of my big toe chipped, so now I gotta wait for my toenail to grow so

I can take that chipped part off. It just goes too far is the problem, to the point where I know if I try to peel or cut that part off it'll hurt.
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The information is cool well it doesn't help the individual, the rich people always say money makes the world to go rounds. Bet that does not help the poor in difference Nations in the World.

Meanwhile at Buckingham Palace today a funeral took place one person glued herself to railings and one person was arrested.
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What a wonderful gesture, what a wonderful man. and not so much as a whisper of a complaint about his own circumstances. I hope his wife's health improves; that's the very least they deserve.

Thank you, sir, for reminding me just how good and generous many people in this world can be.
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