Keeping illegals in America cost more than kicking them out and building a wall, Muslims are invading and ruining countries at an alarming rate all around the world, there's nothing wrong with calling a chick ugly if it's true in your opinion it's called free speech but you all hate it if it doesn't support your liberal tastes.

Hillary Clinton is more likely to cut up the constitution than trump. You're all a bunch of limp dick pisses who couldn't find the truth if it was force fed to you and pulled through your digestive tracks tied at both ends to make you "human" kebabs
Teacher shark doo doo doo your homework Shirt
Trump needs to win. We need a president with some balls unlike all the fucking whiny bitches leaving comments here. You're the weakness is why America is suffering.

Isn't the whole story of the Grinch about an asshole who becomes the best person in the town? So it's this saying Trump will be the best president ever once he finds the true meaning of America?
Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital Shirt
I'm pledging, as a Canadian, to boycott the US for as long as he is in office if he gets elected. No more visits to the US, no more buying US products or produce.

And believe me when I say that I know how to read labels. I know how to avoid something at all costs in a store if I need to. There's already campaigning in to change the names of the Trump hotels in Canada.
Draunt Like A Normal Aunt Only Drunker See Also Beautiful Exceptional Shirt
Well... In the end, the Grinch is off and everyone loves him, so... You're implying later on that you'll love him... And people change and you were wrong. At least that's the message it's sending me... Sorry!

I love the " when the Grinch Stole Christmas" either way, even when the Grinch does wrong the people are still happy and doing good... Another hidden message. Idk Just food for thought! I'm just saying... If this is not the message you want to send, then you pick the wrong movie/character.
The Grinch I Like To Stay In Bed It’s Too Peopley Outside Shirt
Still a better candidate than Hillary. People can't even back up how Hillary would benefit America without using other candidate names as an excuse. Hell, feminists will only vote for her because she's got a slit instead of a shaft for God's sake.

Then they wanna talk about equality. No, I'm not saying I support Trump but if you support Hillary, you're just as awful as anyone who votes based on Political party. Lmao.
Boston Red Sox Freddie Mercury We Are The Champions Shirt
This is completely biased bullshit tbh. I don't support trump but I don't think this is a good way to bash unless you get at both sides of the argument.

Hell Hillary and Bernie aren't good candidates either. And neither is Carson. Nobody is fit to run the White House that is running truthfully.
Merry Carpmas Shirt
So why is everyone up in arms when trump isn't going along with the constitution, but Obama has gone against the constitution since he's been in office.

And yet no one is batting an eye at that, because I guess white racism is different than black racism, right?
Grinch and Max drive Jeep shirt
I think it's funny how people don't really get what Trump says. He doesn't hate Muslims or Mexicans. He says that we need to watch the Muslims to find the extremist and get them out of our country.

And he wants to get rid of the illegals in America because they take up about 1.2 million jobs here in America and they don't have to pay taxes.
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