Omg. My 2 yr old daughter watches the Grinch at least once a week it is her favorite... its the parents making our kids so precious... they will all grow up not being prepared in the world for anything harsh.

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The Grinch was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Along with the labyrinth, the dark crystal, and any time burton movie.

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It’s a completely different movie. Ones a live-action film aimed at kids and teenagers. The new cartoon is aimed at the younger audience.

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When units are removing capital letters from words, because they intimidate, it’s pretty clear that the current and future generations of the human race are too soft and been babies for way too long. Stop changing everything, if you don't like it don't watch it, or be on the first flight to Mars.
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Why do we keep bagging out the kids and calling them names when it is the stupid politically correct adults who come up with all this crap wanting to bubble wrap everyone and not offend anyone.

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