At least the dogs not outside chained to a tree. My pit loves his kennel it’s his safe place. And when your dog chews everything in site, you put them in the kennel when they aren’t being supervised. Lynn Millette, maybe it’s none of your business and whats to say the dog doesn’t get kenneled at night. It is night time, she did say the kids were sleeping.
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Aisha Wilson, you realize that’s how you potty train puppies the quickest right? You lock them in a kennel at night bc they don’t want to poop and pee in the kennel they are stuck into sleep. That’s also how you keep dogs that have separation anxiety from tearing up your house when your away. It’s way safer for them to be in the kennel then out if your not home. Or if you plan on going to bed. Some dogs are fine never being in a crate. Some dogs need it. Mind your own business.
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Everyone going on about the dog in the kennel like it's abuse. I guess a lot of people don't realize that most dogs like going in their kennel, it's their room/cave and they go there for comfort. Oan I'm wondering how many people who are crying about the dog in the kennel noticed the other dog on the couch?
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Omg, what's wrong with people at all?? The dog looks happy and settled to me...until the man smashes into the window why have people got to try and put people down all the time? My dog was rescued and came to us with a crate I didn't want to use it but she wouldn't settle without her crate! We always left the gate open for her unless I were hoovering n moping but then 5-10 minutes later I'd open it. But I suppose I abuse all my animals too.
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I can see the point of "Not leaving a dog in a crate" can't pass judgment, I crate mine when I leave the house, but they are out soon as I get home. They sleep with me as well. They also know after bath time there is warm towels in there ab lay there till they are dry they come out afterward. Maybe just maybe the dog is in there so he could try out the new toy. But it is wrong if "IF" they leave him in there all the time.
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