As Scarlett learned to crawl, we would put a safety helmet on her head and even then it was difficult to let her crawl on any hard floor that did not have carpet. When she started walking, I lived in fear, I just wanted to be able to keep her inside a bubble so she wouldn’t get hurt. There are many times we find ourselves subconsciously restricting our daughter to the simple things that most children get to enjoy, thus, making us feel horrible as we know she has to experience life. Unfortunately, our fears of losing her continue to exist and will probably continue to exist for a long time.
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Now that she is a toddler, we try to give her as much liberty as possible but we still are far more cautious than the typical parents. We do NOT leave her side. Even if we are with family members, her dad and I take turns to be next to her. It is a lot of work for the both of us, however, we feel the need to protect her. Many people have judged us for the way that we treat her, as we may appear to be ‘helicopter parents.’
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I am living with so many fears and feelings I still have to process that it is hard to just relax. I am traumatized! I am afraid to lose my child! I live with that fear every day and I shouldn’t. PTSD is a real thing. Now I will ask that you please do me a favor… the next time that you see a mom and she is being too overprotective, or you think she is a little too much, just stop and think. Maybe that mother has been through a tough experience with her baby.
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Maybe it was hard for her to conceive or maybe that child has some special needs that are not noticeable. No mother should live in fear that something will happen to their child every single day, but I do, and I know that many others do as well.
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Two months after she was shaken, I noticed her eye was drifting to the side, and at 9 months she was diagnosed with strabismus. When she was 1 ½ years old she had her first eye surgery, which did not work. Now we are doing patching full time in hopes to repair her vision, however there is the possibility that her eye will never be able to fully recover.
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As the days go by it gets easier, and every day we are thankful that she is here with us. Now, our little warrior is 3 ½ years old, she knows her ABC’s, her colors and dreams of becoming a firefighter.
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She is such a strong little girl and we are extremely proud of her! This obstacle gave me a new outlook, it gave me the opportunity to appreciate life, even more, to be with my daughter all day and be able to celebrate every small milestone with my princess. I thank God every day for life, her health, her love and for this opportunity. It has not been an easy journey, but it has been the most beautiful journey of my life.”
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This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Thalia Macias of San Diego, California. You can follow their journey on Instagram. Do you have a similar experience? We’d love to hear your journey. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.
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‘They tell us a baby boy has been born in Texas, our home state. They don’t know many details, but ask if we would be interested. I cannot imagine what she must be feeling.’ We are pretty stable on our current budget, but we don’t exactly have 40-50 thousand dollars (the cost of private adoption) laying around anywhere. This seems crazy. It feels crazy! But we know that our God has called us to this and put this passion in our hearts, and not even logic can stop His plans. So, we decide to trust God. If He called us to it, He will see us through it. We announce that baby #3 is on the way, we just don’t know when!
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“It’s April 2018. My husband Dylan and I are so surprised to learn that we are both feeling a strong push from the Lord to go ahead and start the adoption process. We think, ‘Really, Lord? Now?’ We always knew adoption would be part of our story, but we thought it would be several years from now. I mean let’s look at the facts: we are in our mid-twenties and have two biological kiddos- Violet who is 3, and Adelaide who hasn’t yet turned 2
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