The Food and Drug Administration said it will resume inspections of some of the riskiest foods such as cheeses, produce and infant formula as early as Tuesday. The routine inspections had been briefly halted as a result of the partial government shutdown. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Monday that the agency is bringing back about 150 unpaid employees for the inspections. Riskier foods account for about a third of the agency's roughly 8,400 routine inspections each year.
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The FDA oversees packaged foods and produce. Meat, poultry and processed eggs are checked by the Department of Agriculture and have continued. States handle about half of the FDA's inspections and those haven't stopped. FDA inspections of imported foods and other core functions such as monitoring for food poisoning outbreaks have continued as well, the agency said. The FDA is required to inspect facilities that handle high-risk foods once every three years, and once every five years for other foods.
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As my relationship ended, my love affair with alcohol heated up and I became a daily drinker which progressed to an isolated daily drinker. I lived to drink. I woke up each day and did what I had to do to get to that drink. I rushed through work, I chose my social activities by if and how much there would be to drink, I went to my Godson’s T-ball games with a 42 ounce cup of wine, I showed up to dinner with my parents drunk and rushed through it so I could get back home to my couch and my alcohol, I showed up to first dates so drunk that I can’t remember their names or what we ate, I answered work emails in full on black outs, I walked my dogs, went to the convenience store, grocery shopped, and anything else you can think of under the influence of alcohol.
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For me, the goal became blackout every time I drank. I just wanted to get to a place where I couldn’t feel. I stopped eating regularly, my kidneys became very infected, and I threw bile up in the kitchen sink on a daily basis. I had no desire to live, but didn’t have the courage to kill myself. I remember thinking, ‘what a joke – we work our whole lives to grow up, become successful, and none of it brings true happiness.’
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Then one Saturday morning I headed to the store (I had run out of booze and I had run out of prescription sleeping pills – because I took way too many the week before), so a box (that equals 4 bottles) of wine, a pint of whiskey, and a bottle of Tylenol PM were on my list. That should get me through Saturday and Sunday. I can remember walking in the liquor store, I remember driving through a fast food restaurant, and my next memory from that Saturday is of me sitting on the floor in the lobby of the building where I was living – half dressed, my dogs were running everywhere, and one of my dearest friends was standing in front of me begging me to stand up. I wanted to stand up, but my legs wouldn’t do what my brain was telling them to. I wanted to get it together, but my body just wouldn’t cooperate.
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