Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 5, 2019

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This is not to say that the United States is at peace, we’re not. We haven’t been at peace since September 11, 2001. This current conflict is a large one in time, scope, and space. This current conflict is our first true generational Top shirts on KingTees Shop; our children and theirs may be involved in the same fight, such is the nature of the virulence of ideologies of hatred, control, supremacy, intolerance, and expansionism. But ours is not a war economy nor a war society.
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Some leaders have suggested that these atrocities, now seared into the hearts and minds of all Americans, are the new normal. Yet, we are a forward-looking set and continue on. The essential problem of being forward-looking is that we fail to learn from the recent and Top shirts on KingTees Shop past. In an era of domestic peace, government institutions appear less vital because national security is assumed, and the memory of it being directly challenged has faded. Less sacrosanct than ever, government institutions become easier to attack, especially as, with thousands of employees.
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